About Us

Our goal is simple. Through a non-profit organization, we hope to reach a large portion of the population, particularly men, to motivate them to think long-term about their health and to recognize the fact that one can live a longer life healthy, up to 80 years and beyond, by implementing a few painless lifestyle changes. The advantages of this and the alternative of dying prematurely and/or living out the final years unable to enjoy the fruit of one’s labor, can be rather compelling.

A few trials via round table discussions, which included my book Men’s’ Guide to Living Longer Healthy (mgllh.org) as a guide, had an impact on those present. A few took up the challenge and were successful; some were already on board. Tony Loffreda and I agree on the values of good health. He will be adviser of the Advisory Board and I, the CEO. The Advisory Board is comprised of four people (to be announced) who will be covering topics on general health, nutrition and exercise.

Advisory board today:



CEO HealthLLH.ca, Marc Chabot founder of HealthLLH.ca and CEO/CFOcanada.ca







Advisor to HealthLLH.ca, Alicia Neasmith, Massage Therapist, Personal Training, and Nutrition Advisor.







Advisor to HealthLLH.ca , Gary Gaul, Naturopath







Advisor to HealthLLH.ca , Natalie Palfreeman, MSc, CCGC, Certified Genetic Counsellor and Founder of GENDNA.ca